Thursday, March 31, 2011

Card Making Christmas

Hi everyone! So sorry that I have not been posting!! I have been very very sick this week!!!!!! But now I am all better! Well, mostly. I have a few of those things that take forever to go away when you are sick. But that being said it is time for my next post on card making!

I like to make all cards, but I really LOVE to make Christmas cards!!!!!! They are my favorite cards to make. I don't know why, but they are.

With the first two cards I was experimenting with theming them to Christmas songs. This one is blurry, what its says it We three Kings of Orient are.

This is the inside of the card above.

This one I used some stickers for the words. I don't normally like to do this, but this one worked out perfectly!
This is what the inside looks like.
This is a blurry close up of what I wrote inside.

This one I don't think will every need words written on the front. I cut the picture out of some thing. I don't remember what. I love the picture though! I really like how the colors all go together.

This is the inside.
This one was a really random one for me to make.

The inside.

That is all I have for now. I hope you enjoyed it!! :)


Monday, March 28, 2011

Card making Valentine Cards

I love valentine cards with all the hearts, pink, purple, and red! They are some of my favorite cards to make. I love to cut out the hearts from the paper and glue them onto the card. These are the valentine cards that I have made.

I am not sure what to call this card. I for now I will call it the growing heart card. (I am not completely satisfied with this name, but it will do for now) I have not written anything on the front of this one for two reason a) I didn't quite now what to write on the front for the card, and b) I have terrible hand writing. I would like to wait to write on the card until I absolutely have to.
This is the inside to the "growing heart card"
Here is a blurry close up of what I wrote in the conner heart outline on the inside of the card.

Here is another one. See reasons for the above card as to why this one is blank. I like this one because it is different from the other ones. It has valentine colors on the cover, but no hearts.

The inside has hearts though. I like this paper shaper pattern.

This card is a flip card you flip it over to read what is written. You don't open it. I have some better pictures of other flip cards below.

This is my favorite flip valentine card! I like the single heart in the conner, it is a more simple card and I like simple elegant.
Showing how it is a flip card, and not and open close card.
This one is very much like the one above in design. That same simple look.

Showing flip card.

I don't really give valentine cards to anyone. My family is not the kind to give each other cards. I don't really have anyone else to give these too. I don't know why I make them then. Probably just because they are lots of fun!!!! :)


Friday, March 25, 2011

Modest outfit

Modesty is something that is a very big thing for me. We are taught in the Bible to dress with modesty. The Bible does not say it that way but it talks about how women dress. Modesty does not equal frumpy either. God wants us to take care of our bodies. also to have a good attitude. I find that when I dress in an out fit that is modest and makes me feel pretty, I have a much better attitude! We do not judge those who don't dress the way we do. I feel that God wants me to dress this way. Who am I to judge those who don't dress the way I do? I am suppose to focus on my walk with Him not someone else's. I am suppose to love people the way Christ loves us. I am to follow Him. I pray that I may by the end of my life have my whole focus be on Him and not other things! This is my prayer for everyone as well as myself.

I am enjoy blogs that post about modest outfits, because it gives me ideas for what to do with my own wardrobe.

The shirt is from the thrift store. The skirt was my sisters, she didn't want it anymore so I took it. I love these boots!!! I got them at Sears.

You can't see it, but I like to wear a tank top with this shirt. It just feels more comfortable, it does not need it.

Blessings & Love

Card Making Tools of the Trade

This post is about what I use to make my cards. These are the tools I use, if you don't have them or have something else that you would like to use that is great! Card making is something that you can be really creative with.

All of the tools together. I would like to have a basket to keep them in, but I have not quite gotten around to getting one.

I use ribbon to decorate some of the cards. This is some of what I bought for card making and others, like in the scrap bag, are ones that I have collected from other things.

I use a pen to draw what I want to cutout some shapes. The tool in the middle is a bone folder. You use it to make crisper edges. It is not a necessary to have. I use glue sticks for gluing most things onto the card, because it makes the cards not bowed as much as with the liquid glue.

I got at Micheal's some cards that you can decorate. I really like these. They save me the step of having to cut out the card from the paper.

These are some tools that I have around for if I want them. I don't really use them a whole lot.

I have water color pencils for writing words. I like having the water color ones so that is I want to give it a more painted look I can do it!

And buttons. I am sorry that the picture is so blurry. The bage the buttons are in is really old, so that made taking a picture of it difficult.

I save some of the paper scraps so that I can use them to decorate the cards. I like using the trimmed edges from the paper shaper scissors to add border or something like that.

This is what I call heavy duty glue. I use it for the ribbons and buttons. The glue stick just can't make those things stay so I use the liquid glue for that.

And of course you need paper. I use some of the stiffer scrap booking paper, and scrap booking paper strips for the cards. I also use some construction paper too.

I like having all different kinds of scissors. I have my regular scissors and the paper shaper scissors.

Those are all the tools and craft supplies that I use.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Card Making!

I am not an expert on this. I have never taken a class or anything on how to do card making, but it is something I love to do when I have the time, it is my little hobby. So I want to share my hobby with you! I am going to do a post on what I use when I make cards, and after that some posts with pictures of cards that I have made, there are a lot more pictures and cards than I planed on so stay tuned.

Please keep in mind that I am not a professional at this so if some one who has actually taken a class says to do something differently than I do, then they are probably right, and I am wrong. These post are just about how I do it, and how you can do it in your home, and not have to go out and buy every thing to do it. You can do it from your own home. I did by some of my supplies, but I really wanted to get into it so I bought some of the more cool tools to do it. I am really exited about this, it is something I really enjoy.

I also want to know it you would like me to do a card making tutorial at the end. To show you how I make mine. Please tell me if you would like that!

This is a card that I made a few years ago, but have not given it to anyone. It is a little taste of what is to come latter on. :)

The front.
What I put on the inside.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Busy life

So sorry that I have not been posting very much lately. I have been very busy with my Church and my baby sister just had a birthday!(she is not so little anymore, she is 12!) I have not forgotten my blog. The other thing I have been busy working on is some projects I plan on blogging about. I am almost done with them, and I hope to get the pictures taken soon so that I can post about it. :)

I just wanted to give a heads up, and let you know what is going on, and that I did not forget you!


Saturday, March 19, 2011


I decided to do a little post with some pictures that I took of my favorite hot drink! Coffee!!! :)

This is what I think of Coffee.

This is actually hot coco but it is such a nice picture I had to share it! Besides hot coco is my second favorite drink.
This is just another picture of coffee.

What do you think of coffee? What is your favorite drink?


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Heroine Tournament final round!

Go vote in the final round!! Click here to vote at Elegance of Fashion.

I can't wait to see who wins, although I have a good idea of who. :)


Monday, March 14, 2011

Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe Give Away!

Shealynn over at Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe is having a give away! I love all of her jewelry, and she is offering for the winner to pick which one they want!

Here are just a few of her lovely pieces.

Go on over an join the give away!


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Narnia: Voyage of The Dawn Treader

Title: Narnia: Voyage of The Dawn Treader 2010
Producer: Twentieth Century Fox
Directer: Micheal Apted
Writers: (Screenplay) Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely, Micheal Petroni, (Novel) C. S. Lewis
Actors: Ben Barnes, Skandar Keynes, Georgie Henley
My Rating: 5/5 stars

My synopsis: Lucy and Edmund return to Narnia with their annoying cousin Eustace. King Caspian is making a voyage to search for some missing lords, and find that they are in for a lot more.

I got to see this a couple of Sundays age in the 2$ movie theater. In 3D!!! Of course that made the price go up to 4$ but that was okay. I loved it! It was amazing! I have a lot of pictures for this review so hang in there with me!

I loved the actor who played Eustace! He portrayed the character exactly the way I saw him in the book! He was very funny too! You get annoyed with him like you do in the book(at least I did). Any way I like him!
They also stuck much closer to the book than Prince Caspian did( I actually like Prince Caspian a lot I will talk about that some other time though). There were little differences, I think the plot was changed, and what they were fighting against too. But I would say that they had a lot of the same events happen in the movie as in the book. (I will double check this latter by reading the book again when I have time)

I loved Caspian! Who doesn't? I really like how Ben Barns portrayed the character.

Reepicheep is so cute! I can totally see why Lucy wants to hug him so much. I do think they could have done more with him though. I liked how Reepicheep and Eustace had such a close friendship, that was one of my favorite things.

If you didn't like how dark Prince Caspian was you will love Voyage of The Dawn Treader! It is bright and happy. I love how it had all the sunshine and the water. Not so many people die either so that lifts the mood of the film even more. Besides people not dieing is always an A+ right?

Costumes were wonderful! I love them. I didn't care for Lucy's though, but that's because I am a girly girl who likes skirts and dresses. I did like Lucy's outfit in the beginning though! I thought it was really cute an would not mind wearing something like it myself! I don't have any pictures of it though. :( I love the guys costumes, very sea worthy!!! I really like the sleeves on the guys shirts.

The setting was great. It was very much like what I pictured in the book. I loved the sea it was so pretty and blue! The rooms and buildings were great. I love all the color that was in it. I loved the old looking books. Some of the settings I don't even know how to describe. I will say this they were spectacular!
I can't really think of very many things that bothered me. The setting was great, the costumes were great, the story was great! Every thing was great! There was one thing that bothered me, and that I really really didn't like.

Prince Caspian was suppose to marry the Star Guys daughter(yes I know he has a name, but I can't remember it right now,my sister tells me it was Ramandu) She was not actually a star. She was just his daughter. In the movie they cut out her dad completely, and made her the star!!!!! You are probably wondering why this bothered me so much, I mean it is just a star right? But how is the world is Caspian suppose to marry her if she is a star!?!? Really I think being a star is a full time job, I mean it your not up there than someone might get lost. I don't think you can just leave the sky like that! Being queen of Narnia is a full time job too. You have to help the king rule the land(at least that is what I think queens should do) and you have to have kids right? Also I think she would need to be a wife to Caspian, she needs to be there as his best friend. How can you do two full time jobs at once?!?!?!?!?! I really really really did not like her being a star. It is driving me crazy trying to figure out how she is going to be both a star, and queen of Narnia. It really is driving me crazy!

On the whole it was a wonderful, fantastic, amazing movie!!!! I mean besides the whole star thing, and that wasn't to big of a part in the movie so I can kind of ignore that part. I really loved the movie it is spectacular! I hope you see it and love it as much as I did!

Tell me what you thought of it!
