Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Doctor Who Tag Question 4

Day 4 - Favorite episodes and favorite scenes/moments

I am going to do favorite episodes instead of scenes or moments because that is a bit overwhelming. I have a lot of favorite scenes. 

I am going to have to sort this by Doctor. I have episodes that are favorites for certain Doctors. 

Ninth Doctor: The Empty Child: As creepy as this episode is. I really really liked the ending. Anything that has to do with a mother and her children has always had a deep meaning for me. I can't explain it. Dumbo makes me cry every single time I watch it.  

I don't have very  many favorite episodes with the Ninth Doctor. It is not that I don't like his Doctor. I really like Christopher Ecleston as an actor and I like his doctor. His episodes just have not made as much of an impression on me. 

Tenth Doctor: The Shakespeare Code: I love Shakespeare so how could I not get excited about this episode. Not to mention all the Harry Potter references!  I have always had a strong notion of the power of words and this episode explored how words can be powerful.

The Girl In The Fireplace: My whole family loved this episode because when we watched it we had just heard our priest speak about how God experiences all of time at once and this helped us see how that could be. God was like the Doctor and we were like Reinette. 

Silence In The Library & Forest of the Dead: I am not entirely sure why I like these two so much. I think it has to do with River. I love River she is totally awesome but she also scares me sometimes. Also it has a library that was so huge it had it's own planet. There is also the idea that books can be so real that they can be another world to us. 

Eleventh Doctor: The Time of Angles & Flesh and Stone: Again River. We get to learn more about her but also have more questions. Getting to know Matt Smith's Doctor was another reason I liked this episode. 

The Doctor's Wife: This episode has to be my most favorite from Eleven. I just love the Tardis and the Doctor getting to talk and well. It is just amazing. :) I just loved watching how the Tardis had to learn to cope with the real world outside of her Box. The Doctor always has his box even it his box is not in it's box. 

Let's Kill Hitler: River again. I really just enjoyed this episode. Honestly who doesn't want to go back in time and put Hitler in a cupboard?

There are many many other episodes that I like. These are just the ones that I thought of first. 


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Doctor Who Tag Question 3

Day 3 - Favorite theme songs

My absolute favorite is The Doctor's theme from seasons 1 and 2. It changes a little in the next few seasons with Ten. I love how mysterious is sounds. I think it fits with the mystery of time. 

My next favorites would have to be the opening and ending credits themes. 

This one is from season 5, I prefer the ones from the earlier seasons though. 

This is the one that I really like!

I really enjoy I Am The Doctor as well. There is this building excitement of it in the beginning that is repeated but just makes me simile. There is just something about it. 

Those are my favorite Doctor Who sound tracks. I am not particularly familiar with all of the tracks though I have notices that I have never been displeased with any of the music that I have heard. 


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Doctor Who Tat Question 2

Day 2 - Favorite quotes

I have so many! So get ready. I promise I will try to narrow it down for you. :)

"Just this once everybody LIVES!" - The Ninth Doctor. (Episode: The Empty Child)

Martha: But are we safe? I mean, can we move around and stuff?
The Doctor: Of course we can. Why not?
Martha: It's like in those films: if you step on a butterfly, you change the future of the human race.
The Doctor: Then, don't step on any butterflies. What have butterflies ever done to you?
(Episode: The Shakespeare Code) 

(My most favorite!) 
Martha: So, magic and stuff? It's a surprise, it's all a bit Harry Potter.
The Doctor: Wait till you read book 7. Oh, I cried.
(Episode: The Shakespeare Code)

Martha: Do you have to pass a test to fly this thing?
The Doctor: Yes, and I failed it.
(Episode: The Shakespeare Code)

Idris: Did you ever wonder why I chose you all those years ago?
The Doctor: I chose you. You were unlocked.
Idris: Of course I was. I wanted to see the universe, so I stole a Time Lord and I ran away. And you were the only one mad enough.
(Episode: The Doctor's Wife)

Adolf Hitler: Thank you, whoever you are. I believe you have just saved my life.,
The Doctor: Believe me, it was an accident.
(Episode: Let's Kill Hitler)

German Officer: What are you doing here?
River Song: Well, I was on my way to this gay Gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I suddenly thought "Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish. I think I'll kill the Fuehrer."
(Episode: Let's Kill Hitler)

Well those are just a few of my favorite quotes. :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Doctor Who Tag question 1

I am very flattered to have been tagged in Banrion An Gheimhridh's Doctor Who Tag! I am very excited for this delightful opportunity to talk about one of my favorite obsessions shows! :)

Banrion offers a couple of options of how to answer her tag questions. I could do them all at once, or just one at a time, or something in the middle. She doesn't have a particular rule. However as I feel that I could go on and on with each of her questions it is probably best if I don't try and answer more than two at a time. 

Here is her first question! 

Day 1 - When and why did you start watching Doctor Who, and what made you become a fan of it?

I started watching Doctor who sometime last year. I can't remember very well. It was during the school year and my senior year is a bit of a blur. I had been hearing about Doctor who all over facebook and all the people I knew really enjoyed it. I really wanted to give it a try. After all I thought it was sci-fi and I have basically grown up on sci-fi. While Doctor Who is not typical sci-fi(I would say there is more fiction than science fiction in it) it does fall have sci-fi elements. My sister also wanted to watch Doctor Who for similar reasons so we convinced our parents to watch it with us. Even though my mom and dad had watch the first three episodes of the ninth Doctor before and after the first episode my dad refused to watch anymore. However like I said we convinced my dad to give it a second chance. 

Now my dad is almost a bigger fan than I am, which is just so typical of my dad. (that is another post). Now my whole family is made up of Doctor Who fans. 

What made me become a Doctor Who fan? Honestly I am not sure there is just something about it that I think appeals to people. I think it is the idea of ordinary people saving the world and being able to travel through time a space. I think a a race we have always been a little fascinated with time, and we have so much evidence of how long we have been watching the stars. There is also something about the Doctor that we all identify perhaps it is that while he is not human biologically he is human in so many other ways. he is not perfect he is a bit happy go lucky and yet he has his dark moments. Also he is just like a kid that never grows up and is not afraid to show it. We are all still kids inside. 

Well that is my answer to The first question and as this post proves I really can go on and on! 


Friday, July 19, 2013

Three Days left!

This is just a quick reminder that there are only three day left to enter my Dragonwitch book giveaway! Go quickly and enter. :)


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Book Review and Giveaway: Dragonwitch

Title: Dragonwitch
Author: Anne Elisabeth Stengl
Rating: 5/5
Book Summary: Submissive to her father’s will, Lady Leta of Aiven travels far to meet a prospective husband she neither knows nor loves–Lord Alistair, future king of the North Country.

But within the walls of Gaheris Castle, all is not right. Vicious night terrors plague Lord Alistair to the brink of insanity. Whispers rise from the family crypt. The reclusive castle Chronicler, Leta’s tutor and friend, possesses a secret so dangerous it could cost his life and topple the North Country into civil war.

And far away in a hidden kingdom, a fire burns atop the Temple of the Sacred Flame. Acolytes and priestesses serve their goddess to the limits of their lives and deaths. No one is safe while the Dragonwitch searches for the sword that slew her twice…and for the one person who can wield it.

I first fell in love with Miss Stengl's writing after I read Heartless. She captured my attention with her realistic character, fictional countries, and gripping story line. In all the books I have read since she has not lost her touch. In fact she keeps getting better and better. I really enjoy they stories and how they connect to other stories. You almost want to make a kind of poster connecting them. 

An author's writing improves with time and practice. Anne Stengl has always been able to write a wonderful story however,  I feel that her writing has 'grown up' since the first book. Her development of characters has improved. Her ability to write a story that is in such a grand scale is fantastic. I feel like her writing has improved and changed for the better. 

Dragonwitch is perhaps one of the most fascinating of her books so far. From the very first book I felt Miss Stengl understood people. She could pull together the best qualities of a person and the darkest. She even grasps and helps the readers of her books to understand what can cause someone to become so bitter or evil. I feel that this quality is at its finest in Dragonwitch

Dragonwitch features many new characters which means some new names. Making up names is a talent that I highly admire in authors, that would be because I am so bad at it. All her names sound so Medieval or like something out of Lord of The Rings. Miss Stengl is brilliant with names. 

I identified with so many of the characters in this book. They all have little bits of things that I completely and totally understand and are so me sometimes. I think this is what makes her books so loved. People see parts of themselves. 

I really enjoyed seeing more of Imraldera and Eanrin. They are one of the most steady characters throughout the series, and with each book we learn more about them. Perhaps the thing I like most about this book (and all of Anne Elisabeth Stengl's books) is that the characters are believable. They don't have the fake or phony feel that so many other Christian fiction characters have. Her stories despite being fantasy feel like they could be true because there are so many elements that we all can identify with. She paints them with words that give detail to her story and bring it to life in the readers mind. I am going to find it impossible to wait for her next book to come out!  

I am very very excited to tell you that I am also able to offer a giveaway  of one copy of Dragonwitch. This is my first giveaway that I have done so please bear with me as I do this. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for a review. 

Author Interview: Anne Elisabeth Stengl

I am so very excited to be a part of the tour for Dragonwitch! As part of this tour I was able to interview Miss Stengl.  I hope you will hop on over to her blog Tales of Goldstone Wood. I am so excited for the release of this next book in her delightful series.

1. What inspired you to write fantasy?

Oddly enough, I know the exact moment I was inspired. I was about eleven years old, and I had been writing cat stories up until that point, just fun little adventures about a kitten named Berry and all his various friends. But my father was reading The Lord of the Rings out loud to us, and I was caught up in the story.
One night, in particular, he read the scene in which Frodo is pursued by the Black Riders to the ford at Rivendale. I was so enthralled at the idea of one so small, facing such enormous odds! The image in my head of little Frodo at the river, and those awful riders bearing down upon him . . . it was thrilling and dreadful and wonderful all at once!

And I decided I would write a fantasy myself.

Mine was . . . a little less thrilling, dreadful, or wonderful. It was about a cat, naturally. A magical, sarcastic, wish-granting cat whom all the neighboring kings wanted to find and control. It was a bit silly, really . . . but I have always enjoyed writing about cats! (And now you know why I write fantasy and how Eanrin came to be . . .)

2. Many of you later stories are referenced in earlier books. Did this take a lot of planning or just happen? 

Um, kind of both, I think. Some of the later stories were conceived before the first three published stories, so I always thought of them as foundational material for Heartless, Veiled Rose, and Moonblood. I always intended to write them, so made free with the references early on. But sometimes I would make reference to a story I hadn’t actually thought of yet. Just a brief reference . . . and suddenly I’d find an entire story taking shape! Shadow Hand is an example of that. Or, in the case of the “Night of Moonblood” referenced in Moonblood, I had written the epic poem years before . . . but then, after Moonblood was published, I got the idea for a full length novel about the original event.

Which is the novel I am currently writing.

So, it’s sort of both. They all connect back to and lead into each other. It makes sense in my head, at least!

3. Your write a lot of poetry and songs in your books. Have you thought about compiling a separate book with all the Goldstone poetry? 

I don’t consider myself a very good poet. That’s actually why I decided to make the most famous bard and poetic influence in my world be actually a rather terrible poet (at least, according to Lionheart!).  Everyone thinks he’s great, but we are all secretly laughing up our sleeves at him.

Making Eanrin a terrible poet took a lot of pressure off of me! But I still enjoy trying to write his various songs and verses and sometimes (accidentally), Eanrin writes a decent piece! The “Night of Moonblood” epic, for instance, or the “Song of Fireword” sung by the sylph in Veiled Rose. I am honestly proud of both of those pieces!

But actually compiling them into a separate book? Not sure. I have seriously considered producing a collection of short stories related to Goldstone Wood, and toyed with the idea of including poetry in that. Maybe I’ll actually do it one day . . . maybe . . .

4. Do you have a favorite book, one that is dear to your heart, of the ones you have written? 

My favorite is always the one I just finished. Right now, that means Shadow Hand . . . and the Super-Secret project, which I’ll be announcing soon!

I will say that both Starflower and Dragonwitch were particularly satisfying to write, since they were ideas I had many years before Heartless. I had tried to write both of them in various forms before, but not succeeded. I needed to improve my own writing skills first, and the first three Goldstone Wood novels provided valuable learning experience!

5. Who are your favorite characters and which characters do you identify with most? 

Well, my favorite character has to be Eanrin! (Have I mentioned that I’m a crazy cat lady?)

I identify with all of the characters in some way or another, both good characters and bad. They are all little pieces of me, taken and shaped and explored. When I wrote her, Princess Una was very much an extreme reflection of myself (I wasn’t quite that silly!), and later on, my husband told me that he thought Imraldera was a lot like me. But I tend to see myself more in little aspects of each character rather than in any character as a whole.

6. What author(s) most inspire you? 

C.S. Lewis will always be a huge inspiration. Sir Terry Pratchett and Diana Wynne Jones are enormous favorites—I would like to be either one of them when I grow up! George MacDonald’s short stories are always within grabbing distance if I need a reminder of why I love fairy tales. I also turn to some of the great poets for ideas and inspiration, particularly Shakespeare and Browning, both of whom I adore.

7. If you were to pick another genre to write in which would it be and why? 

Hmmm . . . I suppose I’d pick historical. I enjoy researching even for fantasies, though there’s a lot more flexibility in the research for fantasy! But I think I could probably find a way to enjoy writing historicals almost as much as fairy tales.

8. When you were just starting out as an author was there a piece of advice that you were given that made all the difference to you? What advice would you give to authors who are just starting out? 

The most important thing I learned was to become a good reader. I pursued an English literature degree at university, and it was the best choice I could have made as an aspiring author. The better reader you are, the better writer you will be!

My advice to young writers is always: Read, read, read!!! Read the greats and study them, pick them apart, figure out what makes them great. Read TONS of material in the genre you want to write, figuring out which styles and ideas you like, which you don’t care for so much. Read in genres you don’t always care for, read non-fiction now and then, and makes certain you ingest a healthy diet of poetry, because there is nothing quite like poetry to inspire great prose (even if, like me, you’re a sad little poet!).

And, of course, the flip side of read, read, read is write, write, write! The more you write, the better you’ll get. Don’t wait until you know what you’re doing . . . because if you wait, you’ll never learn. Writing is like learning a musical instrument. You don’t learn to play a concerto by sitting around wishing you knew how. You practice for hours and hours and hours!

So, basically: read, read, read/write, write, write. That’s my advice!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Wanting to Write

I love to read books. I enjoy writing. When I was still very little I thought it would be great to write a book. To tell a story. It is not that I have not written stories. I just have not gotten to the writing a book part. I feel a little lost when it comes to writing a book.

It is not that I lack ideas. I really do have quiet a lot of them and they come from the strangest things. I even write down these ideas. I just feel that I lack a certain ability to give characters life. Most of the time I find my self very dissatisfied with the characters that I just don't know how to give them life. Knowing how to write well when it comes to grammar, paragraphs, structure and style I can do that. I just can't seem to get things to come alive.

I do want to improve. I think with practice I could. But practice requires time. Time that for much of the past couple of years I have not been able to spare. Getting ready for college, making sure I can graduate from highschool really takes a lot of time. Not to mention practicing the piano. After it all I just want to not think about anything. So I go off and I read a book.

It is not like writing is the only thing in my life that has suffered from lack of time. Crafts is one. It is a lot of work to cut things out, plan what to do, glue and dry, cut some more, and all the little details it can be exhausting. I  really enjoy doing them though.

The other big thing with writing is that my family has 2 computers at the moment and 5 people who all want to use them for their own school, social media, and what not that they need the computer. It is a amazing that I was able to post any post during the past school year.

My dream of writing a book though might wait a little longer. With college coming I am not sure what my schedule will be like. That age old question of time will strike again. What I really want to do is just grit my teeth and just start something. I think I would really enjoy it. And someday hopefully I will. I just don't have a clue when.

So this is what I am thinking about today. I hope you don't mind me blurting out my random thoughts on your computer screen.


PS. A very productive thing I did today was invent a new kind of cookie, that according to my family is absolutely delicious.