Saturday, January 12, 2013

Reading goal 2013

After much thought about what I usually read in a year and what would be a little more challenging, and therefore making it more interesting. I have decided that I would like my goal to be to read 65 books in a year. However as I do know that some books will be longer than others and take more time to read. I will be very happy if I read at least 50.

I will be counting rereads as part of this. There is the series I am rereading right now and I have another one that I really want to reread and have been planning to for a while and just not gotten around  to.

One thing I really like about GoodReads is that if I want to check something out from the library but don't know what I can just go to my "to read" list on GoodReads and find something there to checkout. Really nice. I like browsing in a library, but sometimes it can be frustrating as I don't always find anything good, I also don't always have time to spend browsing in the library. I am a really big fan of putting books on hold.

Anyway What do you think of my goal?
I also know some people are not really all that into rereading books. What do you think of rereading?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Book Review: The Son of Neptune

Title: The Son of Neptune
Author: Rick Riordan
My Rating: 5/5
2nd Book: the first is The Lost Hero
Previous Books: All the Percy Jackson and the Olympian books: The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters, The Titans Curse, The Battle of The Labyrinth, The Last Olympian. (These should all the read before reading this series "The Heroes of Olympus")

I liked this book so much better than the first. Probably because Percy was in it. The first one felt like it was trying to be a Percy Jackson story without Percy. I don't know it just felt like it was missing something. Anyway you get to see all the old characters and met new ones. Deal with all new kinds of monsters, not all of them with poisonous fangs or sharp teeth.

I really enjoyed the jumping between characters that Riordan has been doing in this series. It does give the series a distinct feel. and it is nice to have the different perspectives. With all the different new characters is also gives a chance for us to get to know them a little faster.

Overall I was very pleased with it, and enjoyed it immensely!

Monday, January 7, 2013

A goal/resolution for 2013....Maybe

So Now that I have a GoodReads. I can keep track of all the books I read in a year.. Still working on rating all the books I have read. I have forgotten a lot of them. Then I see them and it is like meeting a friend that you have not see in a long long time.

Anyway back to what I want to ask you all about.  I want to set a goal for how many books I want to read in    2013. The only thing is I am not sure how many I want to set as the goal. I am not particular about what genre of book it is. I pretty much read every genre there is under the sun and if I only read one kind of book I will go crazy! So what kind of books I want to read is not the problem. It is how many.

I am not sure what amount of books I want to set as my goal. I like to read, and I read a lot. So a small number(20- 50) is really probably not going to be as much of a challenge. I really don't think I will be able to read 100 books in a year(I will try this in a year when I am not trying to finish highschool and start college). I want something that will challenge me a little but not be unattainable.

What do you guys think is a good number of books to read?

Saturday, January 5, 2013

On the 12th Day of Christmas

I will share with you the Christmas crafts that I made/helped make for my sisters.

For one sister I decided to do Percy Jackson themed ornaments. 

 Here are all of them. 

 On one side a did a picture of the character. 

 On the other I did the characters name in a particular font. They all had different fonts.

 I was asigned the task of helping Samantha make her present for Emily. I did the cuting and Samantha did the glue part. I told her where to put them, or put them on myself. It is a Percy Jackson collage thing. 

Thie was my Christmas present from one of my sisters. :) I was pleased with is :) 


Friday, January 4, 2013

On the 11th day of Christmas

I will tell you about GoodReads. Really the site is addictive. It is almost as good as going to the library. The only downside is that you can't grab the books of the computer screen. Especially when my library it turns out my library does not have it. :(

If you have not tried GoodReads you should. Especially if you are a major book lover! It is book lover heaven! :) I can't believe it took me this long to find out about it!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

One the 10th Day of Christmas

I will tell you what I have been doing during the 12 days. :) 

So what have I been doing on this long Christmas break. Well my dad takes off a lot of time around Christmas and New Years. This provided a perfect opportunity for us to do a project that we had been talking about for a long time. The Great Bedroom Switch. Samantha's and my bedroom would become Emily and Abby's bedroom, and Emily and Abby's bedroom would become Samantha's and my bedroom. 

I don't think we quiet comprehended just what we were getting ourselves into. The bunk bed that was in E&A's bedroom had not been moved since it was put in. That was a mess. And my mom and very wisely in my opinion decide that this a perfect time to do a lot of decluttering. We are still working on it. Though the bedrooms are now mostly switched we still need to transfer cloths from one closet to the other. Which is one of the things to go through. 

This is what my bedroom now looks like. My bed is on the right and Samantha's is on the left. The dresser that is mine too. I also have a desk, but you can't see that, or S's dresser.

At this point I must say that having friends is really awesome as that is how S got her bed. I will also say it is an awesome bed. The daughter who moved away had decorated the headboard with Harry Potter Stickers. I almost wanted the bed! But mine had a book shelf for a headboard which is just as nice. :) 

Here is a blurry picture. 

I will admit that I find it funny that she had a Harry Potter headboard with Winnie the Pooh sheets and comforter. :) 

Christ is Born! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

On the 9th Day of Christmas

I had a lovely time at the New Years party and was completely thrilled that I got to do Christmas Crackers. These are not cracks that you eat. If you have read Harry Potter, or perhaps any book that takes place in Great Britian you might know what I am talking about.

I knew these from Harry Potter and was so happy to get to do some. They are a little packet that had two end. You grab one end and someone else grabes the other. You then both pull it apart. It will make a little pop. It has a little powerder that causes it. and there is a paper crown and a riddle or joke. These made me so happy. It was just so cool!

Here I am with my sister at home. We are wearing our Christmas Crowns.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

On the 8th Day of Christmas

I wish everyone a happy New Year!!! And I go to a friends house for the day! :)

Perhaps the biggest change at the moment, or at least the first one that comes to mind, is that my bedroom moved. I read Harry Potter. I decided I am probably a Geek. I also decided I like long hair better than short on me.

 It is hard for me to really pin point any particular change in my life as it seems like my life is always changing.

I am rubbish at coming up with New Years resolutions. I either come up with really impossible ones or completely forget them. Or in a different case they pretty much stay the same as they are something I have to work on constantly. Like getting along with my sisters more, or being more diligent in everything that I do. I have to work on those all the time.

Maybe I should work on gaining more confidence to be me this year? I don't know. I tend to come up with New Years resolutions in May. I KNOW what I should do! Not procrastinate so much! :)

Do you do New Years resolutions? What are some that you have come up with?

Do you have any New Years Traditions that you and your family do?