Thursday, April 18, 2019

Genre Preferences

From my Instagram a picture of a book haul
We all have those genres that we just cannot get enough of and others that we struggle to get into and some that we avoid for various reasons.

One of my favorite genres since childhood is historical fiction. I have a weak spot for England and the Tudor era. I probably have read it or will read it and I also can tell you which I think are better written and which are the most well researched. I enjoy other time periods.

My other top favorite genre is fantasy. This one I got more into as a teen. I think I started with Narnia and then moved on the Harry Potter and from there I have looked for several. The Tales of Goldstone Wood is one of my favorite fantasy series.

The most recent genre that I have gotten into and want to dive into deeper is Science Fiction. I have loved sci-fi television but for some reaso,n until colleg,e I never thought to read sci-fi books. I loved Reading Eve The Awakening and it has made me want to find more science fiction books to read.

Now the romance genre. Let me be clear I love romance in a story but I don't like it as the main plot. As a teenager, I read a few Christian romance novels to give it a try but was not impressed. I found the characters lacked depth and the plots felt contrived. For me, it feels unrealistic for romance to the main goal of a story. Romance in our lives often happens alongside other life events.

Horror and Thriller genre. I can only say I just have not had a desire to ever be interested in that genre. I don't typically watch horror or thriller movies so the idea of reading them didn't interest me. Mysteries I have read and sometimes will pick up one every now and again but I have not been in the mood for a mystery lately.

I know there are a great many more genres and sub-genres and I have only just scratched the surface. What are some of your favorite and least favorite genres to read?

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