Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Holy Week is coming!!!

I am sooooooo exited for Holy Week and Pascha (Easter, I am an Eastern Orthodox Christian we call Easter Pascha, it is the same though) :) I am going to be really really really REALLY busy during Holy Week. I help (my very dear friend is in charge and will be there!) to make the garlands for decorating the Church. So I go every day in Holy Week during the day to help garland, and then in the evening I go to the Church services. I love it! I am gone pretty much all day.

I love the Church services for Holy Week, and I love the songs!!! I hope to be able to post some icons for the days of the week, and some songs for those days too if I can find them.

I will be really busy this weekend too. We go to Church on Saturday because it is Lazarus Saturday, and we help to make the palms for palm Sunday I have a other Church activities. Then there is Palm Sunday! I am feeling a little stressed, but I love it!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!!


  1. I will miss you during Holy Week! I'm so glad to see you so excited.

  2. I am also so excited that you are excited ;) I look forward to admiring your floral handiwork.

  3. That was such a wonderful week!! I agree, it is definitely a lot of work, but when we do it all together it's actually ssooo fun! :) love you Lizzie!

  4. @janisophia: it was a wonderful week! I love to do it!!! And it is a lot of fun!!! :) I love you too!!!
