So I have decided to do a random post about things that I like/ love, and all that! I wanted you all to get to know me better so I wanted to do this.

First of all I LOVE my cat George!!!! I really like this picture of him too! He looks like a supper cool cat with his pink sun glasses. He is actually very very fat and lazy. :)

I love the ocean, I love the smell and the feel of the sand and the water!

I love mountains! They are so beautiful and majestic!

I like snow covered trees!

I absolutely love love love LOVE books!!!!!!!

I am a complete and total history geek. I love history!!!!! It is my favorite subject is school!!!!

I love learning about different cultures! I love seeing all the different verity in the world.

I love chocolate!!!!!! *
crunch crunch* yum! :)

I love Loreena Mckennitt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is my favorite!!!!! :) :) :) :) I have a few pictures of her because I really really like her, and I could not decide which one I liked best!

After this you must all go to youtube and find some of her music to listen to if you don't know who she is already! LOL

I love this picture! It is so soft and lovely!

I like Celtic Thunder too!!!

My favorite actor is Richard Armitage!!! LOL I really do think he is a brilliant actor with a lot of talent!
Hope you enjoyed this! I enjoyed putting it together. I may have to do this again! :)
Christ is Risen!!!
PS. I really do plan on having Pascha and Palm Sunday pictures up soon. My mom is using the tcamera picture storage device thingy (my vocabulary is very wide isn't isn't it) on her computer right now so I am waiting for my turn. :) I hope to have them up soon!