Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Reading Challenge 2012

So I have decided to join in the Charles Dickens Reading Challenge for 2012 over at Newly Impassioned Soul. I have never done a reading challenge before and I am very excited to do this one. I have read one Dickens book, and had another read aloud to me. I have often wanted to go more deeply in to Dickens but have not had the drive to. Hopefully this will give me the push I need.

There are three options with this challenge. You can chose to read 3 books by Charles Dickens, or read 5 books, or if you are really up for a challenge you can read 10. I am going with the 5 book challenge. I feel I could do more than 3, but I don't feel up for the challenge of 10. :)

I hope more of my blog friends join is it will be lots of fun!! :)


  1. That sounds like a lot of fun, Elizabeth! I've just read one book for Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities, and that was amazing! What books are you planning on reading for him?

    By the way, I was just going to ask you... does your Orthodox Church celebrate Christmas on the 25th or do they do it in January like the Coptic Orthodox Church for instance?
    In His love,

  2. Cool! I've read Tale of Two Cities also, but I think that's the only one. Which are you reading?


  3. Thank you ever so much for deciding to join in with the challenge! Like Joy I'm looking forward to hearing which books you're planning to read :)


  4. When I know all the books I want I will post the list on my blog. :)

    @Joy: Tale of Two cities is actually on my mind. I have not actually completed my list yet.

    There are two calendars in the Orthodox Church one of them is the Old calendar which does celebrate Christmas in January like the Coptic Church. Then there is what we call the new calendar which has been modified so that we now celebrate Christmas on Dec 25. Not very many Orthodox Churches use the new calendar, but the OCA(Orthodox Church of America) does us the new calendar. I hope that answers your question.

    @Stephanie: It is nice to see you here! :)

    @Abby: I am really really excited about it. :)
