This poem brought out a whole new side to Tennyson that I had not even thought of. It is a very inspiring poem! When you think of Tennyson The Lady of Shalott comes to mind, You don't really think of this poem.
This is only the first Stanza the whole poem is very long.
Supposed Confessions
by Alfred Tennyson
O God! my God! have mercy now.
I faint, I fall. Men say that Thou
Didst die for me, for such as me,
Patient of ill, and death, and scorn,
And that my sin was as a thorn
Among the thorns that girt Thy brow,
Wounding They soul - That even now,
In this extremest misery
Of ignorance, I should require
A sign! and if a bolt of fire
Would rive the slumbrous summer noon
While I do pray to Thee alone,
Think my belief would stronger grow!
Is not my human pride brought low?
The boastings of my spirit still?
The joy I had in my free-will
All cold, and dead, and corpse-like grown?
And what is left to me but Thou,
And faith in Thee? Men pass me by;
Christians with happy countenances-
And children all seem full of Thee!
And women smile with saint-like glances
Like Thine own mother's when she bow'd
Above Thee, on that happy morn
When angels spake to men aloud,
And Thou and peace to earth were born.
Good-will to me as well as all-
I one of them; my brothers they;
Brothers in Christ- a world of pace
And confidence, day after day;
And trust and hope till things should cease,
And then one Heaven receive us all.