Sunday, March 31, 2019

Audio Books

Screenshot of audiobook To Kill A Kingdom
One of my favorite listens. 
I recently have gotten into audiobooks. With this new adult world of commute times and traveling, I have been craving something to do during my drives. I enjoy music but sometimes I want to change things up. I have gotten into a few podcasts (look forward to a recommendations post in the future) but I have really missed reading and books. With grad school and work it is hard for me to sit down and do any pleasure reading. I read plenty for school but that reading is all academic.

Enter Audible

I got a membership to Audible and picked since then have been adding many books to my library. I love that Audible is an app and now with my new car, I can use Bluetooth to play it in my car speakers.

I feel that with the coming of Audible and the rise of audio books there has been less debate about audiobooks being "real" books. Those who stuck to reading physical books were sometimes snobby about those to listened to audiobooks. I tend to come to the conversation from the view that yes they are "real" books and audiobooks make reading books accessible to more people. My sister who cannot read to herself is able to listen to books like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson and feel like she is part of the group and can talk to us(her other sisters) about the books because she has listened to them. She no longer has to depend only on others to read to her. I am also dyslexic. I have always loved reading physical books and will continue to but for others who are more dyslexic than myself, audiobooks offer a great option.

What are your favorite audiobooks to listen too?

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