When I came across this on Tumblr. It brought up all the controversial feelings that I have about Anne Boleyn. The person who I saw post this strongly disagreed with what the picture said. It was interesting to see what she said. I have decided to do a post to vent all of the conflicting feelings, thoughts, and ideas that come up when Anne Boleyn's name in mentioned.
This could get a little crazy so please bear with me as I muddle my way through this.
I do agree with the picture that I am really sick of hearing how good and wonderful Anne Boleyn was. I sometimes feel that some people forget the fact that Henry
divorced Katherine of Argon to marry her. It just seems like forget some significant parts of her life. They also seem to ignore his reasons for marrying her. I will list the ones that I have so far come up with from all that I have read.
1) He wanted a son. Katherine was not giving him a son, and he believed that Mary would not do a good enough job, because she was a girl.(let us ignore the fact that her reign was pretty bad, but things might have been different if her father had not divorced her mother and had all those marriages). It is interest that of his three children it was his
daughter Elizabeth who ruled the best.
2) He wanted Anne. She was pretty, cocky, and different from Katherine. He was tired of Katherine. It is really very sad how unfaithful he was to Katherine, and Anne I am sure. I really can't thing of any other reason he would want Anne, she came from a nobody family, and she had no money really.
Those are the two that always seem to come up. Not many, but very important..
One more thing I would like to just clear up. I have read many many time about how Anne was so great for the reformation in England. Even when I was a Protestant I would laugh to myself at the idea. Sure because of Anne major changes happened to the church in England, but I really really don't think Anne cared about what Church was in England. She wanted to marry Henry and the Catholic Church
would not let them get married. Henry reforming the Church and to her advantage because it made it so that Henry could pass his own divorce, and marry her. I have always wondered what people would think of her if Henry had not broken with the Catholic Church, but still married her. We would probably all still feel sorry for her since she might still have gotten her head chopped off.
While Anne did do many things for people( I am sure she did as it would have been good for her to do so when she was so politically unstable), and she was extremely intelligent and clever, she was very well educated, and I don't think she would have made her way up to being Queen of England otherwise. She is not the what some people portray her to be, or want to think of her. I admire her intelligence and bravery when she was going to her death. I was very into Tudor history, and I still am, I often want character to be better than they are, but I need to be truthful. I am sorry it I offend anyone with this post, but I needed to get it out.