Thursday, January 3, 2019

In Reflection & Resolutions

2018 was a long year with many ups and downs. I have had 3 different jobs in the past year. I got accepted to grad school and came to a head with my own mental health and anxiety. I also completed my first quarter of grad school. However, all that being said I think I am the stronger for it. I feel more confident as an individual and stronger in who I am.

I am not one to make New Year's resolutions. I find that they tend to make me feel guilty and that is more counterproductive. I think the closest to a New Year's resolution I get is my good reads reading goal. However, I think making goals for a new year is productive. Such as my goal to buy a car this year, complete my first year of grad school, read more daily devotionals, and pray more. I prefer goals to resolutions. Goals sound more attainable and flexible while resolutions sound stiff and ridged. I also find that in a year so much can change that a resolution you made may be completely impractical halfway through the year. I can make goals that are short term and long term and also be flexible with the dates for them.

Which do you prefer? Goals or resolutions? If you make resolutions or goals what are some of yours?

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way! I never do resolutions, only goals. :) Happy New Year!
